From Hot Cop to Honest New Yorker: A Love Story of Friendship and Growth

I wanted to circle back to you and Brendan.
How did you guys meet? Tell me.
Take me on this journey with your love story,
because I know the world is so curious about you guys.
We’re really best friends, honestly.
And it’s, you know,
a girl from Lindale, Texas,
and a guy from Staten Island, New York.
Brendan was a cop and I was doing Good Morning America.
We kind of crossed paths. When you guys crossed paths, did.
Did you check him out? Like.
Well, my friend Angelina is my bandmate.
She was eight months pregnant
and she was wearing giant heels.
She was towering over everyone
and she was looking around,
she was like, oh,
there’s a cop over there, and he’s hot. Haha.
Hot cop, everyone,
hot cop. Haha. Like.
Like tapping us on the shoulders
and we’re like, yeah,
he’s cute, but it’s 8 in the morning.
We’ve been up doing glam since 3:30.
Like, I can’t be bothered.
All I care about is my look in the back of my eyelids right now.
Cause we had a show that night and my security invited him.
They kind of knew the same people to.
My security team invited him to the show.
We gave him one ticket, no,
plus one. Haha.
I love that. And he still came.
He came by himself. And we met up after the show.
I didn’t even see him before the show.
We met up after and hung out and talked and I didn’t really know.
It wasn’t like an agenda, really.
It was just like, nice to meet you.
He was super cool. And, um,
we talked and then we just kept in touch
and we wrote each other literal letters, like,
like old school. And, um.
That’s sweet. It is.
It’s like. That’s actually really romantic.
I was like, do you wanna be pen pals?
He was like, like,
write letters with a pen? And I was like, yeah.
He’s eight years younger. So that was, like,
really mind blowing to him.
Yeah, we just hit it off like,
we’re just very. We’re very different,
but we come from the same background.
Like, it’s from law enforcement and first responder family.
Our attitude sort of like they aligned.
And he’s someone in my life that is not a yes person.
I don’t believe in surrounding yourself with yes people at all.
And I don’t do that. I don’t.
I don’t think it’s healthy mentally.
It keeps you honest. It sure does.
Wouldn’t want that anyways.
I want somebody to be like, no,
you’re fucking up right now.
you could do this better, you know?
Hundred percent. I think it’s important.
And Brendan’s just very honest.
He’s a harsh New Yorker,
and I like that because he just sells it like it is.
He doesn’t sugarcoat. He calls me on my shit.