Exploring Cocktail Creations with Gin and Vermouth: The Coldness Factor

Hold on. Data processing.
That’s weird. Um,
no. No,
I can’t do it. I don’t like it.
No. Welcome to another episode of. No,
stop it, daddy.
Don’t ask. I’m not gonna lie.
I have actually grown attached to this kind of rum.
I mean, gin. Gin. Yes.
This is gin Bombay Sapphire.
This is the one. I like the dry vermouth.
Oh, oh,
oh. That’s my favorite sweet vermouth.
Move the fucking orange juice.
All right, let’s go.
I have a feeling this thing gonna suck,
so we’re gonna put it over some Titanic suckers.
Coldness mutes flavors. Sometimes
there are so many things that are infinitely better when they’re cold.
The Bronx. Cheers, motherfucker.