Rough Ford: Finding the Perfect Car with Harold

This is nice. Hey,
how are you, kid?
I’m Harold. I’m with Ruff Ford,
and I’m here to help you find the perfect car.
Oh, I love the smell.
Fresh Continental tires, 32,000.
the price don’t matter. It does matter.
What could possibly be keeping you from buying this car?
My wallet. Wrong, kid.
You can take a loner. Double chocolate chunk cookie.
No, I’m good.
No. Why don’t you test her out, kid? Really?
Yeah. Let me tell you about these things.
Uh, these are made out of a
quad, but you can always upgrade to leather.
Got one brake pedal, one gas pedal.
You got a glove department?
What is that? Karen.
Would you believe she’s running third party for election?
Yeah, good luck with that.
Got generous space back here.
More than the Ford Escape.
Got a bottle opener. As I was thinking here.
You don’t see that on Toyota.
Ha ha ha ha! Funny guy.
May I interest you in our seven year warranty?
Ha ha ha ha! Kid,
be a good sport and help me down.
I can’t jump this far. Oh, god,
you’re heavy. You know,
I appreciate if you didn’t make a comment about my weight.
I’m ready to buy. Here you go, kid.
It’s all yours. Wonderful.
Susan and finances will take it from here.
Susan. Hey, sweetie.
Thank you, Harold.
Thank you for choosing the boy through rough Ford. Mwah.
Time to sign some papers. Come on down to Rough Ford.
Enjoy his number one Ford dealer.
Where we’ll help you find that poison car. Yeah.