Title: Unexpected News: John from John Breaks Bad News and the Demand for Two-Hand Twisters

Hello? Hi Rob,
this is John from your. Uh.
John from John breaks bad news.
I have some bad news from your wife Morgan.
You will not be receiving any more two hand twisters
until you come home with flowers
and perhaps a sweet treat.
This is John. Hello? Did you hear me?
Hello? Hi,
can you hear me?
John? John from where?
Who? John from John breaks bad news.
I have some bad news from your wife Morgan.
You will not be receiving any more twohand twisters
until you come home with flowers and a sweet treat.
Rob, I’m a Hu.
I’m an actual human being.
This is not a robot! Are you there? Can you hear me?
Fuck! Ow!
E I E I o
shut that kid up!