Wandering the Seaside: Observations and Imaginations of People’s Backstories

Khi tiktokers and booktokersand anybody who follows me
I’m at the seaside
I’m in Llandudno in North Wales
and I find even though I’m on holidays
when I should be relaxing and just sitting back
I’m still observing stuff
I’ve been to the coffee shop today
we’ve been to a pub where we nearly had lunch
but we didn’t and I’ve been down to the beach
but I find that I’m in a coffee shop
I’m observing the different people in the background
either the baristas or people sitting down there having a coffee
or eating a piece of cake or something
and I think what’s their backstory?
what are they doing where are they going?
and if I’m walking on the beach
there are so many personalities
it’s a
it’s a kind of like a banquet with all different foods that you want to devour
but it’s all different people’s backstories
you wonder what’s going through their minds
they’re in groups they’re on their own
but they’ve all got their personalities
they’ve all got wonderful kind of stories going on that you never know about
so you got to invent it yourself
people are walking dogs people are holding hands
people are in groups like perhaps teenagers
there are so much going on by the seaside
and people even going in the water
I know it’s summertime what’s going on?
and this is what I love, is sitting back and seeing the reactions of people
sometimes you think like
this morning we were sitting having breakfast in the hotel
there was a lady on her you’re thinking
what is she doing on her own?
is she on her own because she hasn’t got anybody?
is she on her own because nobody wants to be with her?
is she there contemplating life?
it’s wonderful being a writer
because you can get into people’s minds
I don’t know if that helps any new writers
but it’s the way I do it bye for now