2024 Family Olympics: A Competition of Nations and Fun!

Whoa, whoa!
Did you guys think the Olympics were over?
Well, they’re not,
because my family is doing a 2024 Olympic Games.
We got four countries. We got Australia,
Canada, United Kingdom,
and the USA. Welcome, everyone,
to the heart, family,
and friend Olympics. Australia,
the United Kingdom,
the USA!
It’s gonna lead us in the national anthem.
We can’t do the national anthem.
It’s a whole country thing.
We have to. We’re doing it.
Can you see?
Let the games begin! One, two, three!
You have to pass the donut through the straw
to all players of your team.
Pucker up, baby.
There’s four guys on my team.
If you’re taking it too seriously,
take another sip of your drink.
This is easy. This one.
This cup is easy. They cheated!
Yeah, mom! Yeah!
Next up on the list is scooping balls. Haha!
Egg on spoon. I’m actually crushing this.
United Kingdom, 11.
Australia, 14.
Wow! Wow!
Canada, 30. Wow!