Unfazed Yet Demure: A Day of Unexpected Encounters on the Bus

when I was getting some sort of mystery liquids spilled on me on the bus
I was being very demure
very mindful I did not say anything
I simply grabbed a tissue out of my backpack and tried to dry it off
and then I use hand sanitizer
and then when I was getting slices of ham thrown at the back of my head
again as very demure
very thoughtful very mindful
I did not react I simply wiped the back of my head
to make sure that there wasn’t still pieces of ham stuck on the back of my um
freshly washed hair
and then I I simply
when he yelled at me I didn’t say anything
I just looked forward to a shower
even though it would mean I would have to once again
wash my hair in the same day
very demure very mindful