Surprised with a Hotel Suite: A Fashionable Bag Haul Adventure

Mario surprised me tonight with an entire hotel suite.
And not only did he do that,
but he also packed my bag of outfits for me to wear tonight.
Is there supposed to be an outfit in here?
Oh, my god,
these robes make me feel like a ninja.
We’re gonna do a bit of a bag haul,
cause I don’t know what’s in here.
You got a hairbrush? Good job.
Socks, A purse.
My pajamas. You pack my pajamas?
Comfy clothes. Only worn these once.
But shoes. It was only the shoes that you had in your closet.
Did you pick the Batman makeup bag?
Yeah. What you put in here?
It’s. I want that bag.
Oh, you got my toiletries?
Someone commented. Makeup remover.
Yeah, you got it.
It was your cleansing bomb.
Yeah, I put that in there.
Okay. Underwear.
I spilled.
I’m sorry. Sorry.
Okay. Papa,
he packed things that I can’t pull out.
I got it. There you go.
Thank you. Okay.
Glad I brought it, though.
Another purse? Are these supposed to be outfits or they just, like,
pieces of clothing? There’s. Okay,
so I got some tops and some bottoms.
Okay, I see.
I see. You just ordered those pants.
I did. I like these pants.
Oh, my tube top.
Okay. Yeah,
I thought the tube top with the pants with the leopard print.
Yes. Or that green top where you look like Sexy Fiona.
Yeah, I like that one.
Neutral colors. Someone commented neutral colors.
You also order just. You just ordered that?
Yeah. It’s a dress.
Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, I’m gonna put things on,
and I need you guys to help me.
I’ll watch. Okay.
There was also boots in the bottom of the bag.
I think I understand why Mario chose this top.
I like that top. It’s the first.
first outfit. Oh,
my god. Okay,
we have option number two.
These are the pants with the little. Yes.
Is this good? I like that.
That’s the one I originally. Yes,
that is my vision. Work it. Yes.
Okay, I love you,
but I don’t want to wear the cheetah print dress tonight.
That’s fine. That’s fine.
Okay, so option one or two?
I mean, option one,
someone’s gonna get pregnant. Up.
Did you pack my birth control?
I don’t know. So,
option 2. Oh,
you’re. Oh.
Oh, no.
It’s gonna be a big night.
I’ll just ask you guys. Okay,
um. Option 1 or two?
What? Both options put me into heat.
Can I wear this out? I love.
I’ve never worn a robe. This is. I feel like.