Zira: A Journey into Afro-Futuristic Dungeons and Dragons

Too long didn’t watch Dungeons and Dragons.
With African mythology. Has a website.
Here it is, the Zira website.
Right here in front you have Offa Lee Crump,
based on the real life botanist Rebecca Lee Crumpler.
We have a lot of aspects within that in Zairo. Of, like,
real life people, of prominent figures within the diaspora.
That are come to life in this fantasy setting.
At the gallery, where you can check out all the classes of your Dakota.
Bad warrior. Smart.
Now we have the patron directly linked onto the website,
where you can hope that is actually for pay tier members.
We’re going to have the Kickstarter launching within February.
Yes. Black History Month.
Be excited for that. But what you’re paying towards
within the patron that’s coming with this website.
Our dollar amounts
to help us support the cost it takes to have this website run.
Thank you so much for watching.
Thank you for supporting this vision.
To have us centered in fantasy.
My dad used to read the Lord of the rings to me every single night.
I thought about Zaru since I was 13 years old.
I was excited to share this vision with you guys,
and I’m still excited to continue to make this a reality.
Thank you for watching.