Exploring Ethics and Wealth: The Debate Around Billionaires and Social Responsibility

I have two last questions for you
and the one of them is you know in
in the book you are the sole assistant to a billionaire
and I know that there are many moments of
of kindness from him
and there’s kind of this ongoing debate in the world right now of
10 billionaires be ethical
and so there’s that but I have another question
which is like
do you feel that billionaires need to exist in general
ha ha no
absolutely not no
I don’t um no
I think they should be tasked way more
I probably I mean
I’m giving away my politics here
but no I
I am all like
I am a burning over the warrant supporter
I am fully on the left high I
I just think high taxes now actually
so here’s the thing I mean
I’m going totally out of left field here
but I I I
I actually think high taxes
if the loopholes were taken away and everybody had to do it
I mean the billionaires would kind of um
complain a lot and you know
obviously try to not make that happen
but at the end of the day
I don’t think they will care
because actually
what they care more than anything is just their placement in life
so when everyone’s wealth went down and they were still at the top
who cares
but like
you know so I
we should just um
I believe in the wealth tax
um I also believe in just
just tap it obviously
closing the uh
private equity um
carry interest local and
and uh I
I just believe in a fair world
and I think I think the people who right now are billionaires they
they can still we can still give them some of their wit and and
and that like
you know they do
some of them do build companies of great value with
you know make
make maybe cars that people like to drive and products that
you know people used to text and
you know and I think that’s great
and so they they
they should be you know
rewarded but just not at the level that they have been in the last of
of say several
right like
we look at someone like a Mackenzie Scott who is
you know taking her wealth and putting it to such great use
and I and I
and I have this moment of like okay
well Mackenzie Scott can be a billionaire
billionaire exactly yeah