Rising Value: Collecting Physical Pokemon Games and the Economics of Game Collecting

I think I’ve seen the light.
I’m going to buy physical games as opposed to digital games.
Collecting GameCube games have made me realize that
Pokemon games do not go down in value.
For the most part,
they actually increase in value substantially over time.
So from here on out, I’m gonna be buying the Pokemon games physically.
I’m actually gonna buy the Nintendo Switch games now
because they are readily available now.
I don’t see Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
or sword and shield really increasing that much in value,
but I doubt that they’ll lose value either. Really?
Games like Detective Pikachu Returns,
A new Pokemon Snap
are the ones that I think will increase in value over time.
These are lesser known titles
and there’s just less copies out in the world,
so the more time goes on,
the less and less likely people will be able to find them.
Highly doubt that they’ll reach the value of the old Pokemon games
I’m sure people are collecting them for this particular reason,
but I highly doubt that they’ll go down in value anytime soon.
Thunderstash Gaming actually put me onto this,
and I think he’s right. Moving forward,
I’ll probably just buy a digital copy
and a physical copy at the same time.
That’s not a waste of money at all.