Outrageous Interruption: A Stage Drama

Hey, get your fucking nerdy ass off the stage, bro.
Go now! You off? Yes!
I don’t know you, bro.
Go, go, go!
Nobody on stage, bro.
Nobody on stage, bro.
No disrespect. I’m an artist.
I don’t know. I don’t know.
I don’t care if you’re working for Summer Jam. Bye.
Put a hand in the air with a cell phone in it
and turn the fucking light on
if you special, too.
Who the fuck threw that motherfucking busted ass? Goddamn Adidas,
baby said Adidas. That’s you?
You the leader of the mouse pit? Travis.
Hi, Travis.
I literally. He was just.
And. Get your bitch ass off my life,
nigga! Piano G,
my ass, bitch!
Apologize, my nigga!
Apologize, nigga!
I got you, bro.
Apologize, nigga.
I got you, man.
Say sorry, nigga.
Say sorry, nigga.
Sorry, G. I bet