Navigating a Gluten and Dairy Allergy: An Unexpected Encounter at the Sub Shop

I’m gonna get the Italian on a gluten free roll
uh without any cheese
I have a gluten and dairy allergy
uh so the gluten free bun is really small
it’s gonna get it’s gonna get really soggy
so do you want a different one
I don’t really I don’t really have another choice
do do you have another one
another gluten free bun
I mean like one that isn’t gluten free
like one of the bigger ones that aren’t so crumbly and
and wouldn’t get really soggy
why is it getting so soggy
no I need the gluten free
I said I have a gluten and dairy allergy
so I can’t that’s the only one I can get
okay alright
so gluten allergy and then that’s it
no the dairy one that I mentioned twice
now that one too
okay what if I put two slices of cheese on there though
just cause
I mean I wouldn’t be able to eat it
all right I’m gonna do that
I’m gonna do that and wrap it up so you won’t know until you leave