Steve’s Car Reviews: Rating and Mod Plans for Camaro, Corvette, TRX, and F150

Alright guys, this is part one.
I chose like four or five cars.
But first let’s see what my co worker steve thinks about y’all’s cars.
Alright, go ahead. Eight.
Eight on that Camaro. Camaro, eight.
This Corvette,
nine. Nine.
Alright. Six on the TRX is six.
Who’s this? Which one?
This is a Fucking Mustang and a F1 50.
I give my boy a 7 7 on both.
alright, now they got her with Steve likes. Uh,
this is my boy R S 3. This is a Z 0 1. Uh,
I’m not really sure what’s done to it,
like as in mods, but uh,
as like the way it looks.
I probably wouldn’t do anything to it if I owned it.
Uh, I like the OEM look
if anything, probably like a drag pack if I started modding it.
But for sure I’ll be doing performance mods on that.
And as far as rating it, solid 9.
Uh, I probably won’t be giving anything a 10.
I wouldn’t even get my own car 10.
But uh, let’s move on to the next car.
Alright guys, this is a Matt’s C6 Corvette.
I really like the color on this.
And this picture looks gray,
but on his videos you could tell it has like a hint of blue.
Uh, if I own this car, uh,
me personally, I’ll be doing the.
What’s it called? Z 0 6. Uh,
body kit. Pretty much replace the rear,
front fenders and I think the front bumper
and then putting it on some some nice wheels
like some C C W’s which are stupid expensive
but wheels like that or the Z 0 6 uh
style wheels. But rating.
Rating this car solid 8.
I mean it’s pretty clean, but yeah I would be doing some mods to that.
Alright, this is a SRT Riles T Rex.
Um, as far as the truck looks,
I mean it’s pretty OEM so I like the way like the
the body of the truck looks.
I’m not a big fan on those wheels.
I would personally go for like some method wheels.
Probably like some eighteen’s taller tire.
I think it would look really nice.
And then also I’ll probably be like doing some aftermarket lights
pretty much like fog lights or some pods in the grill
just to make it look a little bit more off road and capable.
All right, so here’s like a little 2 for 1 on the F1 50.
This old blue 7.3. Uh,
I rate that truck a solid eight.
I mean it’s a an older guys looking truck,
but it’s really clean.
If I owned it I’d probably be doing a tint and that’s about it.
It’s a really nice truck.
And as for my other coworker Chris with the 5 0,
honestly if I owned it
I would probably sell it and just buy a Camaro or something.
But now I’m just kidding. I’ll rate it a Solid 8 9 out of 10.
It’s really clean. Just needs to be lowered a little bit.
And I’m pretty sure he’s already ordered that.