Let’s Walk and Talk: A Conversation with Nikki

Um, what’s up Nikki?
You ready for some more questions?
I’m so ready. Let’s go.
Alright, let’s walk and talk.
How would you describe your style?
Say, like, comfy? Emo?
Uh. What is one hair color you would love to dye your hair again? Blue.
I really like my blue hair,
but it’s too hard to keep up with.
What’s your most used emoji?
It is the pink heart. The like, light,
light pink heart. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
I really like when people call me kind.
If you were given a chance to either explore the oceans,
go to outer space or visit 50 different countries,
which one would you choose and why?
Definitely the 50 different countries
because the ocean is terrifying as hell
and honestly, so is outer space,
and 50 different countries would be really cool.
Do you collect anything? I collect records and I collect tattoos.
What word do you have a hard time pronouncing?
Variety. Variety.
Variety. Can’t say it.
That’s funny cause you’re a variety streamer.
Yeah, exactly.
Everyone is like, what do you stream?
And like. Oh, like everything