Balancing Ambition and Purpose: Navigating the Journey to Teaching Cooking and Finding Joy

it seems like so much of your career has come from just a place of yes
umm hmm how do you now
at this stage determine when you say yes versus when you say no
I have outlined for myself what sort of my purpose is here
and the purpose is I want to teach people how to cook
I wanna make it easier for people to eat deliciously
in the comfort of their own homes
and I want people to like
find the joy in it where it can otherwise be stressful
and so as opportunities come my way
they’re all basically filtered through that lens of like
am I getting closer to my goal
I really
often times put my career and all the chaos and moving parts of it first
and to like
the detriment of like
my family life and that could be like
whether be with regards to my partner or like
staying in touch with my parents
the pace of life feels so fast to me right now
and I’m really really working on slowing that down and finding balance
um I started working with a life coach recently who was like
totally kind of shifted the paradigm for me and helped me realise that like
sprinting to the finish line
isn’t the most graceful way to go about building something
as big as I want to build
and that there is something to be said for slowing it down and like
relishing in every moment of it
a bit more so that it doesn’t just like whizz by you