Top Fragging vs. Playing the Objective: A Rethink on Ranking Up in Competitive Gaming

I’m always top fragging, but I’m still losing.
My teammates suck. That’s just not true.
Um, you could top frag as much as you want,
but top fragging does not mean you deserve to rank up.
So first of all, if you top frag most or every game,
your Katie has to be about a 1.8 and above.
All right? Um,
if you’re somebody with a 0.9,
a 1.0, or a 1.1,
that means that you’re a hot and cold player.
You’re just average. You have great games,
bad game, great game,
bad game. And that’s fine.
That’s what most people are in this game.
Because this game is very difficult to be above average in
and then consistently above average.
Um, if you do have a really high KD and you’re losing every game,
that is the proof that your kills do not matter
in an objective based game.
A lot of you guys love to watch my videos and say,
how is this guy in a champ lobby that’s not a champ lobby.
I don’t care what he says.
First of all, just join my stream.
I’m there in the champ lobby.
But it’s because I play objective.
You can have better gun skill than me all you want,
I don’t care. I sit in the side on defense,
I don’t move. I let all my solo teammates do as much as I can,
and I just try to last minute live
and I tough it out because I can control the outcome of the round.
Same thing for attack. I play hard.
Breach, I get the wall open.
I play safe. I play comfortable.
And then the last 40 seconds,
I try to control the outcome of the round,
the ending. I let the other team get stupid.
I let my teammates be stupid,
and I just chill and I play slow.
I may not be the most fun player to watch,
but you don’t have to be either.
You’re not Bolo. You’re not psycho.
I’m not Bolo. I’m not here to show you guys.
Three 61 taps. I don’t care.
I wanna win. I don’t know about y’all,
but top fragging don’t mean anything.
It doesn’t. Just play the objective.
It doesn’t matter.
I hit champ for that reason in 30 days on console.
That’s why I say I only solo queue.