Ranking Every Alien Movie: From Worst to Best

A lot of people aren’t gonna like this,
but here’s how I would rank every single alien movie
from worst to best. And now that I’ve seen Alien Romulus,
we gotta figure out where it belongs on this list.
And we also gotta get to the bottom of which one is on top.
But don’t ever forget, it’s my list.
I can’t miss. Kicking off the list,
we got a movie that I think I saw
but I don’t remember because it was dark as shit.
When Dark Mode goes wrong.
How do you make a bad alien versus predator movie?
I like the Predator, Alien and the Wolf.
Predator is a badass, but if you told me this was a fan film,
I would believe you. Next up,
I got Alien Resurrection. I know a lot of people really love this movie.
Don’t get me wrong,
it’s some fun camera work that reminds me of Sam Raimi
and some cool thematic elements of motherhood when I wanna writer ha!
But call me crazy, I just enjoy A B P. More.
This movie is just so, so,
so dumb. But also so, so,
so fun. Pitting the two most iconic horror creatures of all time
against each other and just saying,
let them fight. But from there I got the assembly cut of Alien 3.
I don’t care what anyone says,
not even David Fincher himself.
This is a good movie,
but I just imagine how much better it could Have been
if it wasn’t for studio interference.
Plus at the end of the day,
that xenomorph really got that dog in them.
I’m going with our newcomer to the list and Alien Romulus next.
I personally had so much fun with this movie.
It was basically an alien franchise greatest hits album.
So many callbacks and references to all of the other movies.
Plus Kaylee Spainy. But mainly David Johnson as Andy.
Top tier. And while I love Andy,
he’s got nothing on David
because I think Prometheus is such a fun
philosophical journey of humanity.
Basically really
Scott saying there is no god.
There is no god. That’s why I stepped in.
Has anyone asked if this is Tom Cruise’s favorite movie?
But next up I got Alien Covenant,
which I’ll never understand the criticism I received at the time.
There’s people that think Alien Covenant is good,
and then there’s people that are wrong.
This movie really has it all.
Michael Fassbender in this movie gets to play double duty.
And outside of the fingering the holes of the flute scene,
which I still thoroughly enjoyed,
he’s given a fucking master class in acting.
I don’t think Billy Crudup is that crazy
religious guy that gets enough credit.
Moral dilemmas left, right up down.
Constantly asking myself what I would do in that situation,
and it’s brutal and violent.
That shower scene. But in second place,
I got to stay true to myself.
Aliens from James Cameron Is top tier.
One of my favorite action movies of all time.
It’s basically T2 with Xenomorphs.
It’s a movie about trying to kill cockroaches in your house.
But this one is just so damn iconic and quotable.
Game Over, Man!
Game Over! Get away from her,
you bitch! The power loader versus the Queen Xenomorph.
Come on! But you never forget your first.
And that’s why alien is number one.
This is just one of the greatest films ever created
in cinematic history, with the most iconic tagline in film history.
In space, no one can hear you scream.
Too bad. Everyone in my house could that iconic score.
A claustrophobic nature in space corridors. Man,
this is inspired some of the greatest movies of all time.
Shout out to HR Geiger,
whose Xenomorph design is gonna be hung up in the Raptors.
But that’s why it’s number one and always will be. Acknowledge it.