Medical Triads: A Comprehensive Overview of Common Clinical Associations

Jake? Yeah.
Common medical triads. Let’s do it next triad,
that’s jvd, muffled heart sounds,
hypotension, pushing’s triad,
increase ICP, hypotension reflex, bradycardia.
Charco’s triad, that’s right,
upper quadrant pain, fever and jaundice,
horners syndrome, tonsillitis,
myositis and andrasis, hemochromatosis,
bcd for bronze colored skin,
cirrhosis and diabetes. Men 1
men 1 is parathyroid, pituitary and pancreatic tumors.
This one’s a hard one. Reactive arthritis,
can see p climacteric. So you have conjunctivitis,
urethritis and arthritis. Normal pressure, hydrocephalus,
weird, wet,
wacky, wobbly or something like that.
So it’s dementia, urinary incontinence and uh,
wide base gait. We’re in keys
and cephalophy Cano beer. So confusion attacks in the stigmata.
Triple a. So that’s gonna be hypotension,
pulsatile mass and severe abdominal pain radiating to the back.
There you go.