Navigating Co-Parenting and Reconciliation: A Sunday Family Fun Day at Busch Gardens

Alright, you guys,
it’s time for another Sunday Family fun day
where me, my ex,
and our son go and do something family fun.
Like today,
we’re going to Busch Gardens. Whoo!
I got passes for myself, and I can bring up to four guests.
Um, it’s actually very affordable,
like $24 a month. It’s great.
I did want to tell you guys,
if I’m being completely honest,
my ex is starting to grow on me a little bit.
But I told you guys, I’ll always be honest with you.
Um, and, yeah,
you know, I’m just kind of going through emotions.
I went from torturing him to co parenting
to figuring out what’s going on with our lives.
So I’m happy that’s all that matters.
Somebody commented and said,
this is not co parenting. If he had a girlfriend,
you wouldn’t be able to do this.
If he had a girlfriend, she can come along with us.
That’s exactly why we’re not in new relationships right now.
To me, my son always comes first.
So if I have a boyfriend and he expects me to, like,
exile my son’s father from any kind of activity,
let’s go to Busch Gardens.
Y’all see how after we broke up,
I didn’t add a third party into the scenario?
It’s very mindful, very demure.
You don’t bring somebody else into your life
when you’re still not sure what you want
after leaving your baby daddy.
People get hurt. It’s not okay.
However, After I left,
I’ve never been so sure of any. Anything.
I was 100 million,
bajillion percent ready to move on from this douchebag, okay?
And no, we’re not in a relationship.
No, he’s not moving in with me.
Calm your titties. Okay?
But it’s been almost two months of hanging out and co parenting
and just really getting along
since he asked me to give him another chance
in June. He was crying,
bawling his eyes out, and I was just like, hmm. Hmm.
No, no.
But being around him and doing family things makes my son happy.
So we’ve just been kind of going with the flow.
Seeing him be consistent and showing this different side of him
has been actually really,
really healing for me. But also,
being around him all the time and having serious,
deep talks has made me realize
how much trauma I actually have from our past relationship.
We both hurt each other so much.
Me and Lane got stuck in this Ferris wheel,
by the way. That’s what we’re talking about.
And he was screaming, help!
It was super funny.
But thanks to my very wise friend and mutual on here,
Michelle whole latte mama,
she suggested that we do therapy separate and together.
And so we have agreed that that is the best option.
Look at us, being mature.
Everything, and I mean everything,
down to every video I’ve made with my ex,
is the honest to god truth.
It is my Honest to god. Feeling in that very moment,
the best feeling from all of this is knowing that I don’t need him.
I don’t need anybody, especially not a damn man.
I can take care of myself.
I have survived. I have been paying all my own bills without any help.
And it is so empowering. And at this point,
he knows that it is a want to have him in my life,
not a need. So
with that being said, I beg you, don’t.