Creating the Ultimate Monster: A Strategy Guide for Choosing Class Features and Abilities

Could probably be one in a fight,
but not hunt. It’s not specialized enough.
I kind of agree with you. I think we got to run it back.
Let’s make this one count.
Looking for a big sexy class feature to just grab off the top. Like,
okay, I like a cleric.
Not a lot to pull there.
I’m gonna take the Tempest cleric’s stormborn feature.
So we can get a flying speed
even if we don’t pull a flying speed.
Cause I do think we need one to hunt a dragon.
Remember, on this one,
our type will be important.
Our size will be important.
Our resistances, immunities will be important.
So we got some big things.
Oh, that we’re going for here.
I think we start with a shield.
Guardians AC. Little lower than I thought.
They’re definitely not bad.
I could have taken its type,
cause concert would have been fun.
But I assume we’re gonna get at least an undead here. That I could take.
Oh, baby.
Oh, baby.
Here’s the thing. Obviously HP, right?
But if we even get one dragon,
it’s a comparable HP.
And I’m wondering if we take either its strength or its con.
I kind of want to be able to outstrength this thing.
So I’m taking its strength.
There’s no bad take on a trash,
you know? So like,
obviously that’s great. A lot of things would have been great.
I’m not mad about that. Pit fiend!
Pit fiend!
Let’s Take its attacks. Obviously a lot of options,
but there’s nothing there that this elder dragon resists,
and it’s a lot of amazing physical attacks.
A white. I think now’s the time to do a a.
Is now the time for a type take?
I don’t know. There’s worse undead here.
You know, whites aren’t awful.
Like, I feel like we could pull.
Maybe you could pull a dexterity and be okay.
So let’s try. Yeah,
I’m still feeling okay.
That’s actually a higher dexterity than the dragon has. Wow.
And they wanted to just come right back again. Okay.
We never take repeat, so we’re.
We’re moving on.
Oh, Marilynn. Wow,
wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.
Um. Damn.
I don’t know if they have any abilities that will help it.
Marilith is just so good. I’m like.
Feels like there’s so many takes here.
Uh, um.
Con. Con.
Is con the take.
I. I. It. Con. Fine.
Yes, indeed it was.
We’re cooking. We’re freaking cooking.
Come on, give me a dragon.
I’ll. I’ll take a litch. Now, listen,
obviously abilities are great.
They have great spell casting,
but elder dragons are actually very good against spell casting.
So I’m actually gonna take its intelligence
so that we can go toe to toe with a dragon.
Smarts wise. Right.
Right at this moment, we’re in a very good spot.
Okay, let’s.
Let’s. Fingers crossed.
We keep going that way, lizard folk isn’t gonna help us much.
Lizard folk? Really isn’t gonna help us much.
Oh, man,
oh, man,
oh, man.
Um, I think we can take their wisdom.
It’ll be fine. And they don’t force any wisdom saves.
Sort of a no harm, no foul take there.
That’s. That’s fine, right?
We’re okay with that?
Merfolk came up last time,
and I really, I really am done with the whole merfolk situation.
Um, man,
oh, man.
They’re not gonna give us much of anything here. I wonder if we go,
I, I think honestly,
we just go size, because if something gargantuan comes up,
we’re gonna need it for other things.
So let’s take its size. Okay,
so now we just need something that’s immune to being grappled.
Would be great, you know,
and psychic. No worries.
Now, Fishney. Oh,
I can never remember how good they are,
and that’s really a bummer.
I’m gonna say,
given that it is definitely a fiend with all the fiendish things,
I’m gonna take its senses.
Yes, indeed.
This dragon only has blind sight.
We have 120 feet of true sight,
which is incredible. That is the third time a white has come up.
What is happening right now?
That is absolutely insane.
Is turning to stone an ability?
Is turning to stone an ability?
If they look at us?
Cause I think the dragon would know not to look at us,
but that would give a disadvantage on all of its attacks.
If it’s an ability. Let’s see. Abilities.
Hell yes. I think this dragon is smart enough to avoid its eyes,
but I do think that would give it disadvantage,
which is incredible.
Spine devil.
Spine to devil.
Charisma. Not great,
but I really didn’t want anything else from that there,
so I feel okay about it. Ooh,
ultraloth. Oh, man,
oh, man.
I know they have good HP. I don’t think they have Dragon HP.
I don’t know if they’re resistant or immune to any of the crazy stuff,
which would mean taking its speed,
which feels insane, but let’s do that.
Honestly think that was the best choice.
I really do, cause nothing else there was gonna really help us.
This placer beast does almost nothing for us.
Really almost does nothing for us this late in the game,
which is a bummer.
I think we have to take its type.
All right, we have HP,
we have resistances and immunities.
We need two crazy pulls right now.
I mean,
resistance is immunities. Cool,
great, cool.
It’s at this moment in the video
that I really do regret not taking the Jurassic HP.
I’ll take a horn. Doubles HP, though.
That’s very good. It’s obviously not dragon good.
We do get one more respawn.
Let’s see if we can pull anything that’ll help us here.
I. I mean, I.
I don’t.
I don’t think. I don’t think there is.
I don’t think they have any resistances or immunities that we’d be
Able to take. Um,
I think they have a lower AC.
Guess we could take their charisma or their wisdom.
It’s possible. They’re very fast, but.
But not so fast that we. Okay,
I’m gonna take their. I’m gonna take their charisma.
Man, this started in a much better place than it wound up,
I think. Probably not another.
I don’t think we won this one.
There is my dragon.
There’s my dragon. Now I pull a dragon.
We’re obviously gonna run this one back.
Hopefully this is our first spin of the next one.