Exploring the Concept of ‘Unemployables’: Willingness vs Capability in the Workplace

question here is what do the so called unemployables do for work
why can’t such lacking skills be taught or communicated
I feel like the workplace today is unwilling to invest in people
let’s kinda separate these two things
yes the workplace today is unwilling and to be honest
I think incapable of investing in people
I can’t tell you how many managers
and then those managers become senior executives
how many of those folks are not equipped to coach mentor
manage management is very different from superdoer mode right
very different but unfortunately in corporate
you see a lot of managers who are still superdoers
because they don’t know how to coach
how to mentor how to be visionaries right
how to influence they have none of those skills
nobody’s taught them so most of us learn it on the jobs
some of us pick up quicker than others right
I will say this when I say a person is unemployable
and I did a couple videos about a colleague I had um
back at the Outper channel who was unemployable
and he was a president of one of our business units
what I mean by that in my lexicon
is that person is unwilling to do the work to become competent and employable
instead they rely on manipulation BS
pure bullshit to get by they lie to get their way in the door
and then once they’re there
they try to pawn off their work on other people
they lie they throw people under the bus
you have to understand at least in my definition of an unemployable
has nothing to do with their raw intellect or their ability to learn
it has everything to do with their willingness
and I do think that with these people
cause I’ve worked with a lot of fakers like this
I think they’re afraid to succeed
I think they’re afraid to know what would it be like right
if I put the work in and actually did the work
and I know it sounds weird
trust me I was married to somebody for 20+ years
the first time who was terrified to succeed
um it’s just sometimes that the devil you know is safe and sound
insecure and and people wanna be that way
so in a lot of cases for manipulators right
these takers manipulation is sort of their
that’s their home quadrant
that’s where they live so understand me
unemployable doesn’t have to do with your intellect
it doesn’t have to do with your ability to learn
it has to do with your willingness
and I I fundamentally believe I don’t care what your IQ is
I I really don’t
I mean I think there’s some validity to that
but not a lot you can overcome a lot by having an open mind
being curious and being willing to learn
that makes you employable