Spooky Trick or Treat Confetti Soap: A Halloween Inspired Creation

It’s time to cut my Halloween confetti cake soap
that I decided to name trick or treat.
I get a lot of questions about what I do with my extra scraps
and shreds of soap,
so this is one of the ways that I like to stay low waste,
and not throw anything away.
I take all of those little scraps
and I put them into a soap to make a confetti style bar.
For this one I wanted it to be Halloween or spooky season themed,
so instead of having a white background like a confetti cake,
I made it black. I honestly think this looks so cool with the shreds
and I’m really obsessed with this vibe.
I also tried something new with the top,
which was cutting all of my shreds into tiny
almost sprinkle like pieces and then adding them to the top.
I definitely think this made the bar
and it would have been sad without it.
I’m so happy that I thought of it!
The main reason that I named this bar trick or treat
is because I scented it with a fragrance
that smells just like a bucket of Halloween candy.
The perfect finishing touch for this bar is that it smells amazing.
Let me know what you guys think of the spooky bar!