Exploring Tokyo’s Unique Apple Hotels: A College Student’s Intimate Experience

Yeah, I can literally live in Japan for a month
and it’s still cheaper than my rent.
So let me tell you about these apple hotels.
They $90 a night, and they got the whole shebang.
They popular in Japan. You go in,
check yourself in, put your little passport,
booty doo. They print you out your keys,
go to your room. Now it’s real intimate.
Is hella into me. I felt like a college student again.
It was real cute. It was refreshing.
You know, you gotta do.
It’s about the experience.
So I was excited about this because I saw these all over TikTok
and I said I wanted to stay at an apple hotel to get the experience.
Now, it is very tight.
A vanilla has hella bags. Now,
the good thing is they hold your bags for free in the lobby,
so you can hold your baggage if you don’t want to take it up
all that space in the room,
cause they already know you’re not gonna have no space.
It was so cute. It was definitely a situation.
They give you PJs too. They give you a nice little yukata.
They got everything. Girl,
I was up there doing laundry.
But I’m not gonna lie, after.
After a while, girl,
I need me a change of scenery.
I need. I need to look at something different.
So, yeah,
I checked out like, after two days.
If you’re going to Japan, I recommend hotel hopping.
Check out my travel guide for more hotels I recommend in Japan.