Wandering through the Shop: A Comedic Tale of Retail Disappointment

Let’s go have a look.
Bye. Bye.
Alright, Janelle Morrison’s Naster have all failed me so far.
So, B&M,
let’s see what you’ve got.
Okay, let’s look.
I don’t know where they’re gonna be.
Mug stuff.
Mug mugs. Mugs. Nothing.
We’ve got these. We’ve got these mugs for the puppies. A while.
Someone’s taking a pic of me.
Someone is taking a pic of me.
I just wanna be on this bed. It’s so fulfilling.
I think you are playing with me.
You are lying to me. Not a single thing.
That’s a whole range that I’ve seen on other people’s TikTok.
Not a single thing in my piano.
We’re gonna rename this, uh,
series. Watch Beth go to a shop,
walk around aimlessly talking to herself and walk out with nothing.
My name is gonna start being spread around Barnsley.
That I’ve lost the plot.