Confessions of a Messy Car Owner: The Cathartic Journey of Cleaning and Finding Clarity in Chaos

Meg clean the
inside of
your car
okay I get it
but before
we start I need y’all
to know it’s bad
like this is
my blindness
not the mess like
I see that but
I mean the stains
like I get so
used to seeing
the same stains everyday
I also had to clean
that and then yo
I just washed my car
and I already had
to clean the roof
off to get the shot
so I could put
my phone on
the outside
I lifted all my
sweater though
I found all this
broken glass
because somebody
smashed my window
and broken in my
car a while ago
and even though
the insurance said they
vacuumed everything
obviously they
didn’t and like
that’s my bad there’s
a lot of stuff in my car but
and as I’m watching
this I’m like
dam this is scary
like this is
really messy
but if anyone is
gonna judge me
I swear to god
I will find something
to judge you about
your life on
because I’m literally
perfect in every other
aspect of my life
this is my vice like
I don’t know if
this makes sense
to anyone else
but my car is the
one place I can let
go to total shin
so that the rest
of my life stays together
anyway now it’s time
to vacuum
I swear this just
took me four hours
I’m literally sitting
in my car right now
trying not to pass
but I’m so happy
she’s so clean