Review and Analysis of It Ends With Us: A Disappointing Movie Adaptation

Okay. I just didn’t like it.
Like, this isn’t gonna be a video about all the drama
or the nuances behind the drama.
I just didn’t like the movie, okay?
And this was a movie I had high hopes for
because it was the first ever time in my life
I could walk into a movie theater and be like, yeah,
I read the book. Yeah,
I read it. Yeah.
So I was really excited to kind of wear that badge of honor,
cause I don’t read.
Not a lot, at least. But
this book kept me up for so many nights.
Like, I read this book in 72 hours.
Those three nights, I didn’t sleep,
and when I did go to bed, I was just up thinking about the book.
And I just felt like the movie did such a bad job of
like, a transitioning,
like, throughout the story and like,
making it make sense for someone who didn’t read the book.
Like, Andy obviously didn’t read the book
and he didn’t want any overview of what the movie was gonna be
or the book was about before we went and saw it.
And I don’t think he, like,
got it. Like when Lily and Ryle would fight
or they had, like,
had that first incident in the kitchen,
they just show her the next day,
like, seeing him.
They don’t at all paint the picture of her mindset,
of her being like, it was just an accident.
Must have just been an accident.
He’s perfect. Whatever.
And I felt like this book,
which I know there’s a lot of fodder around,
like, should there. Should.
Like, should there be a warning?
Should there not be a warning?
I hate the phrase trigger warning,
so I’m just gonna use the word warning.
And, I mean,
there probably should be. I feel like
I’m not the one to say if there should or shouldn’t have been,
because I am not someone who has a relationship
or at any experience with domestic violence.
Um, but
putting myself in the shoes of someone who has experienced that
in some capacity, or a loved one who has experienced that
and a subject that’s close to home,
I feel like, probably, yeah. Because,
again, I’m not a big fan of Trigger Warning,
because it’s just like, that doesn’t set you up for success in life.
Like, you don’t get a trigger warning in real life,
like in our phones. This isn’t like real life.
But out, you know,
out there, you don’t get a trigger warning all the time.
But in the case of paid media,
IE, a book,
a movie, a piece of media or content that you’re paying to consume,
um, yeah,
I think there should have been.
I’m, like,
trying to put myself in the shoes of someone
who maybe didn’t know what the movie
or the book was about. I would have been like,
I’m fucked up. I mean,
I was fucked up from the book for a while.
And at the same time, though,
I’m like,
maybe that would have deterred some people from reading the book.
And I personally feel like it gave me a really raw,
vulnerable, like,
clear lens of why people stay in abusive relationships
and how they can. These things can be so overlooked. Anyway,
that’s an aside. I said I wasn’t gonna talk about the drama.
But also, all in all,
I just thought the movie was, like,
not a good movie. Like it
now I’m starting to understand some of the drama,
which I tried to tune out before seeing the movie
because I didn’t want to ruin it for myself.
But I’m starting to understand people’s points of view on, like,
it got too glitz and glammy.
It got too much about, like,
the outfits or the fabulousity or,
like, the, uh,
you know, the aesthetic versus the actual plot line.
And I. I actually.
I fully see that now that I’ve seen the movie,
because I’m like,
there were so many things that were just rushed through.
Rushed through, like,
important pieces of the book where you were in detail,
going through the entire scene with the character in depth for pages.
And then it was just, like, lost.
It was like a one second thing in the movie.
And I was like, huh?
So, yeah,
I don’t really feel like they did a great pic,
did they Didn’t paint a great picture of the actual story.
They didn’t give attention to the details
that really mattered to the reader
when you’re reading the book.
And I also thought the acting was kind of, like, bad acting.
I’m not trying to contribute to the Blake Lively stuff,
I just didn’t think, like,
she did her best work in the movie as an actress.
drama side as an actress. Justin Baldoni was actually a great actor.
I would have loved to see more of him.
I didn’t even, like,
really feel like he was in the movie.
Uh. Uh.
So, yeah.
Anyway, um,
that’s my review of it ends with us.
I’m disappointed.
And now I get why people are so annoying when they read books
and they see the movie and they’re like,
it wasn’t as good as the book.
I thought they were just saying that and being annoying,
but they’re not.
They’re not. Anyway,
what should I read next? I’ll probably read it in like 6 months,
but what should I read next?
Oh, and final thought.
If they pull this shit with verity,
when verity comes out as a movie and it’s like,
not a good movie, I will be so pissed.
That is like, the craziest.
I mean, I haven’t read a lot of books,
but it’s just like the create.
I was on the edge of my seat. Like,
that better be the best movie for that entire year
of Whatever it comes out like.
They need to put a lot of time into that movie, that’s all.