Keeping Kids Occupied Without Electronics: Educational Toys, Chores, Reading, and More!

You don’t have to give your kids tablets or T VS in the room.
Here’s some things that I do to keep my kids occupied.
One, I grab a lot of educational toys and puzzles.
I got this great one off of Amazon.
We also do art, and I give them chores that they have to do,
like cleaning up their playroom.
This is great for teaching them responsibility,
and then you can give them a little money when they do the chores.
They also do a lot of outside play.
I’m so glad that I ended up having two of them
because they keep each other occupied.
We also do a lot of reading.
The seven year old loves to read,
so he’ll read a story. They tutor twice a week.
And then outside of the home,
we keep them in every single sport and also in the arts.
One of them takes piano, the other one will start pretty soon.
And these are ways I keep them occupied without electronics.