Elote Bar and Mini Pancake Setup – A Delicious Hit for Quinceañera and Birthday Parties!

Hey, guys,
this is who I hired for the elote bar.
I’m gonna show you a clip of the quince set up of the elote bar.
And then at the end, I’m gonna show you be, um,
her mini pancake set up, because we hired her,
actually, for my other daughter’s birthday party earlier this year.
Okay, so here’s the setup.
It was super cute. She does have an umbrella,
but I said, I don’t want the umbrella.
These are all the toppings.
These are the stickers that I provided,
which I think it made it, like,
super cute. And if you’re a lip sync person.
Does not dance with your guests.
Hmm. Hmm.
This is the one. The mini pancakes that I, uh,
hired her for back in April for my other daughter’s party.
And, oh,
my god, they were so freaking good.
Look at that. Oh,
but contact her. She’s good.
I like her. Definitely using her again.
I wanna, like,
just have another party just to hire her,
cause it’s, oh,
my god, so good.