Decoding the Revenue Streams of Selling Digital Marketing Courses: Insights and Strategies for Success

ah this is my favorite question
so for people who sell digital marketing courses
how much of the revenue comes just from selling courses
and how much of it comes from selling other digital products
and someone who doesn’t sell the courses still have that type of success
you know i’mma tell you the truth
right so I can’t speak for everyone
but I can speak for me although
I do think that what I’m about to say
stands for most people who sell digital marketing courses
for most people who sell digital marketing courses
it’s the most expensive thing in their store
that’s a fact with that said
it’s also probably the main thing that they promote
that’s also a fact if we just think of the law of selling online
the thing that you promote the most is the thing that you’re gonna sell the most
actually it’s like that in any store
the thing that they want to sell the most
they put it in the front eyes of everyone
on the endcaps of all the aisles
so to answer your burning question
more than likely the people that sell courses
their income probably mostly comes from selling the courses
but like I said you know
i’mma tell you the truth I’ve seen a lot of people
that didn’t have success selling digital marketing courses
so they started selling the lower ticket products instead
like the things that cost less than $100
and they saw more success
than people that were selling courses
beauty of digital marketing itself
you actually learn the skills of digital marketing
then you learn to get whatever product you have in front of the right people
so no matter how much that product cost
if you know how to market it correctly
you’ll find all the people that wanna buy it
that’s why I love a course like SWC
that teaches you multiple ways to make income online
so if you don’t have any interest in just reselling courses
then you can learn other things like dropshipping GC
getting brand deals so many other ways that you can make money online
as long as you know how to be good online
that doesn’t mean that I haven’t made thousands of dollars
selling my lower ticket products
because I had you would need to sell 106 dollar products
just to equal the same amount of selling one 600 dollar course
and the fact of the matter is
you’re gonna have to post about the same amount of videos
learn the same skills to sell different things
so you might as well sell the thing that makes you the most 💰
did anything I just say make sense?
Stay blessed🤎✨️