Video Games: More Than Just Entertainment – Challenging Stereotypes and Promoting Physical Health

I was gonna be an asshole to this video
I’m gonna stay and try to do some of that great stuff people be talking about
just cause you play video games
that doesn’t mean that you’re sedentary
there are a variety of video games that you can play
that require you to move your entire body
in fact quite a few people not only have lost weight playing video games
but they’ve also completed physical therapy playing video games
like your your understanding of this
like I see what you’re trying to do
sort of see the kind of person that you’re looking for
sort of but like
it doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense
like video games are a wonderful way to relieve stress
there’s so many stories that you’ve never ever heard of before
interactive stories like
it doesn’t make any sense
and if you know this what you want
then I guess just don’t date a gamer
but like I’m so tired of hearing about how all men are this and all men are that
like we got problems
but there are some of us with less problems than others
and I guarantee you that on the whole
a gamer man is gonna give you a lot less problems than the man that’s out there
you know again
living this life I’m not knocking nobody have is do your sports
do sports ball and
and whatever else it is that men do
but like don’t knock other men for having a hobby that brings them joy
why is it not okay for us to have joy
I feel like the issue is that we have joy
I feel like that’s what it is
and that people feel neglected in a relationship
but you know
is your partner responsible for making you feel secure all the time
do you have any responsibility in that
but I get you can’t have a sedentary man make sense