Exploring the Art of Location Scouting: Navigating Permissions and Creative Spaces

Hi. So I love location scouting.
one of my favorite things to do.
Um, it depends on what I’m filming.
If I’m filming in a public, uh,
place that I know they’re gonna,
you know, they’re gonna ask for permission,
or it really depends on, like,
if I ever wanna submit to festivals,
because most of the times,
you need to have permission to film in certain places.
So, for example,
when I filmed live, I filmed in an abandoned hospital.
That was supposed to be, like.
We needed permission to film there,
but because that’s kind of, like,
very abandoned. Like,
very abandoned. I was just like,
I’m just gonna film here. And I did,
but we filmed it up late. School.
I need permission for that, obviously.
So it’s like, it really depends on what space you’re filming at.
But most of the times, I always ask for permission.
I just don’t ask for permission if there’s no one to ask permission to.
You know what I mean?
I hope I answered your question.