Legacy of Love and Power: A Review of the Gripping Series Savage Beauty on Netflix

Hey guys, I don’t know where I’ve been.
I probably have been under a rock,
but I only found out about this series a couple of days ago.
And let me tell you,
I have been watched it in the last two or three days.
There’s two seasons.
I watched all the episodes because it was so gripping.
It is amazing. If you haven’t watched Savage Beauty,
it’s on Netflix. Do yourself a favour,
watch it. It’s a local production.
Our local actors and actresses,
the production, the script writing,
the storytelling, everything is just top class.
Amazing, amazing,
amazing. And if you are a legacy girly or anyway,
a legacy fan, then you will love this series because No. 1,
they have the same house. Actually,
if anyone knows where that legacy house is,
can you please let me know?
Because I feel like I need to go past there.
Like I’ve invested so much of my time, okay,
so much of my emotions and my feelings have gone into this legacy
and now Savage Beauty. Like I need to go see that house.
But anyway, I’m detracted.
This series is a combination of, um, power,
family, love,
drama, thriller, romance,
a little bit of action.
It’s like everything wrapped up in this nice little gift for us.
It’s just amazing, amazing,
amazing, amazing.
And what was weird is that,
you know, in a normal series, right,
you will have the good and the bad
and then you will Have your favourites and you often
your favourites are what, you know,
the good, okay,
you rooting for the good person to come out at the end,
which, yes,
in this case, I was,
but I was torn emotionally by the bad ones understanding, okay,
I can understand why they did what they did.
Oh, I can understand.
You know, I feel sorry for them a bit.
In fact, I actually like them a bit.
So it was a little bit hectic from that sense
because here I am like rooting for the good person,
but at the same time, I’m like, ooh,
you know, the,
the bad one is also kinda cute. Okay.
So all I can say is really watch it.
Um, it’s all about this family that have this massive beauty brand
and beauty business
and they really just trying to contain their money and their power.
And there’s a lot of hidden secrets.
There’s a lot of skeletons in the closet.
And, you know,
one act leads to another act,
which leads to another. And as we know,
you know, actions have consequences.
And so that is what actually has plays out in the movie as well.
And there was just so many of my favourite ones
like Bella’s amazing, but so is don.
Like surprisingly, don was great. And,
you know, Grace,
I mean, Grace has my heart.
So, yeah,
the whole Bengu family was just freaking amazing. Guys,
you have to watch this.
It Was great. I just need season 3 now.
Like now, please,
we need season 3. I need to like continue watching it.
But do yourself a favour, watch this and let me know what you think.
Love you guys. Bye.