Top Tips for Success in Business Studies: Insights from Students in the Field

what to know before studying business
I asked my friends studying business
what they wish they knew before studying business
and this is what they said
No. 1 don’t underestimate the importance of networking
networking plays a crucial role in career advancement and job placements
so building positive relationships with peers
professionals professors
anyone in the industry can be as important as achieving good marks
make sure you engage in networking early
and that you’re going to industry events
running student organizations
and that you’re also connecting with people on LinkedIn
No. 2 also don’t forget the importance of internships
business is a very popular degree
and you need to make yourself stand out by getting internships early
and achieving as much work experience as possible
these experiences can be crucial in understanding business concepts
and are highly valued by employers
this is a chance to enhance your CV and apply your classroom knowledge
No. 3 is remember to develop skills early on
throughout your three or four year degree
you need to be prepared to constantly
and continuously enhance all of your skills
you will need to update your skills and knowledge by achieving certifications
and joining courses and don’t forget to develop your soft skills
so the No. 1 thing to keep in mind is you need to stand out
so make sure that you’re networking
you’re building your career early on
and you’re always advancing your skills
if studying business is your dream
I’m sure you can do it good luck