Navigating Political Quirks and Personal Anecdotes from a Curious Observer

What do you mean, no rebuttal?
You mean to tell me
that woman just gets to go up there and give her big
little speech and nobody even goes up to correct her
after Democrats get a whole week to themselves?
I don’t know that. That didn’t sound right to me.
You better go double check on that, son.
What? We had a convention.
Did I go? Where was it?
Oh, Milwaukee.
Yeah, that’s white Chicago.
You know, one time,
this little Italian feller,
he told me that Chicago in Italian means I poop there.
Now, why would a bunch of guys get together and decide to name it that?
They must not have thought much of it,
naming it something like that.
You know, I just don’t get these northern cities sense of humor.
You know who I think would make a good senator?
Benjamin Leighton Matlock.
Now, he’s a winner. Now,
don’t you think he just be incredible at those Senate hearings
where you gotta ask the questions?
I tell you, those things make me so nervous,
I end up asking something dumb.
Hey, are there gonna be furries at this thing