Title: Striking a Balance: The Purpose of Our School’s New Phone Policy

With my school’s new phone policy,
a lot of people on my last video
were asking if students can use their phones for emergencies and such.
So, yes,
of course they can use their phones for an emergency,
like if their parents are calling them.
Although their parents shouldn’t be calling them
in the middle of the school day.
Unless it’s an emergency, of course.
But yes, like,
if something’s going on, of course they can take a call in the hallway.
Um, or they can use their phone really quick.
The point of this phone policy is not to ban phones
and to make their lives miserable.
The purpose is to get these students to a point
where they do not rely on their phones so much.
We don’t want them to just be on their phones all day
while we’re teaching, and that was how it was last year.
Like, I had some students who never looked up from their phone,
and there wasn’t really much I could do about it.
I’ve already observed
a much higher level of engagement from these kids,
and even when they get a little bored,
they bounce back a lot quicker,
whereas if they could be on their phones,
they would just do that all day.
So it’s not that we want to just not ever let them be on their phones.
It’s really just when they’re supposed to be learning,
that’s what they should be doing.