Mastering the Art of Shoulder Taping: A Step-by-Step Guide

One of the most common questions I get asked is
what do I take the most of?
And it’s got to be the ankle or the shoulder.
Mainly the shoulder. I take lots and lots of shoulders.
Today I’ve teamed up with sports tape to show you exactly how I do it.
I used to hugely lacking confidence in sort of
telling the player how I want them to sit.
It makes my life so much easier if I position them correctly
for the taping.
I start this off with an anchor of 7.5 cm EAB around the bicep.
And then I’ll go over the top with fixation tape
10 cm over the shoulder. On a male pair,
this is a little bit easier to do.
I go from the top of the nipple
all the way down to the inferior aspect of the scapula.
This peels off really easily and then just slides down
and I just smooth it down with my hand to avoid any blisters or sores.
The next tape I like to use is a 5 centimeter zinc oxide tape.
This is where I start my first guide strip.
All the way from the EAB
all the way up to the Hyperfix up the top aspect of the shoulder.
This gives me a guide area to be able to fan off in a moment.
So from here I know I need to support the anterior
and the posterior side of the shoulder.
So I need to Make sure I use a crossover fanning technique
to ensure that I can cover all aspects of the shoulder
and give it that full support.
As you can see, we’ve sort of avoided the right inside the crease,
cause that’s where we’re gonna get some sores
or rubbing or anything like that.
And then what I do is
I attach one strip from the front of the shoulder
all the way to the posterior aspect,
just giving a little bit of a pull and pre warning to the player
before I do so. Then whilst holding down sort of the anchor points,
I just make sure that the player can move
and is comfortable and able to do his actions
before I re secure with both tapes.
Obviously this is all down to personal preference
and depending on what how I like to do the shoulder
as well as what the player wants.
My sort of general rule of thumb is if it looks good, it is good.