Dyslexia in Writing: A Nine-Year-Old’s Journey to Diagnosis

so many signs of dyslexia in this piece of writing
written by a nine year old boy
so let’s start with the first line
we have got a C instead of a K
a phonetic substitution then we’ve got clam instead of calm
letters not sequenced or ordered in the correct way
d B rehearsal
D4 instead of before followed by asking a friend for help
problem instead of problem
and I see this one here time and time again
breathe slowly note the capital B
so often peoples with dyslexia struggle to remember to use capital letters
but use capital DS and BS to help them discriminate between the two
you’ll find them randomly in the middle of words
c k instead of k on the end of think
another phonetic substitution
along with your and favourite
which are both spelt phonetically
and all of the errors in those words are around vowel choices
as is forget Adele o W instead of O U
the 9 year old that wrote this is now 19
God diagnosed the age of 12
he came across this piece of writing the other day and sent it to me
and looking at this piece of writing dyslexia is so obvious