Carnivore Diet: Six-Month Update and Cheat Meal Adventure in Branson, Missouri

Six months. We got a candle and everything.
All right, y’all.
So it is week 26,
which is actually our exact six month carnivore update.
We both did good this week.
Erica was down 1.2 and I was down 1.6,
I believe. Total of 51 for me and 24 for me.
We’re in Branson, Missouri,
fixing to speak at a conference.
And we thought, you know,
it’s six months on the diet.
We’ve done good. We haven’t really had a real,
like a cheat cheat meal, so we’re gonna do that today.
So we’re at Billy Gail’s. People said,
come by because I got a 14 inch pancake over here.
I just got the omelet. I don’t know what he’s talking about.
She’s so full of bull. She’s one like,
I’m gonna eat that pancake.
Go look at this pancake. Okay.
Oh my gosh.
We got way more food than either one of us can ever eat.
It’s gonna be amazing.
Looks good. Yes.
So we’re gonna give it a try.
We’re gonna have a little bit of a cheat
and then we’ll come back later and let you know how it tastes.
Alright, let’s do it again.
I’m tired of looking. Okay,
we finished our meal. What did you think?
We kind of went all, you know,
we got the pancake, we got the biscuits and gravy,
got the hash Browns, omelet,
and we ate about, like,
not quite half of the pancake.
I ate a little bit of The biscuits and gravy
and some of the hash Browns.
The hash Browns are really good.
And I caught myself like, if I didn’t make myself stop,
I was gonna eat that whole half a pound of.
Of hash Browns. I can eat the whole pancake if I.
I think we both decided that we already feel like nasty,
like rose like.
I have a sugary coating in my mouth from just a three or four little,
you know, tables,
teaspoons of syrup that we put on the pancake we just did.
We didn’t even really pour it on top of it.
And sugar is one of my like,
headache triggers and I can already tell that’s gonna aggravate me.
Was it worth it? It was good,
but I don’t know, I don’t have any desire to do it again right now.
Billion dollar bacon. I would totally do that again.
Yeah, it.
It had black pepper and cayenne pepper and syrup or something on it.
It’s good, but. Alright,
so six months in, so we’re gonna keep going.
We got I. I’d like to lose another 25 pounds.
I’d like to get down to about 2:50.
And I think you have what,
about eight or nine pounds?
I’m gonna lose your goal? About 9 pounds to reach my goal, so.
And we both have. We both have trips coming up without each other,
so we’ll see how that goes too.
Yeah. Erica and friends are going on a Cruise.
Me and Klance are going to South Carolina and Georgia,
visit the Tokachi plant.
So those will be adventures on our own without support.
It will show you does better.
Let’s have a contest. Yeah, contest.
All right, y’all keep ranching