Title: Handstand Movement Sequence: The Importance of Drawing In

For any movement in handstand,
I prioritise drawing in my stomach.
I draw in and extend my legs to do this little jump up.
Draw in and extend. I draw in,
extend and bend my legs to come into the tuck handstand.
And when I’m in position,
I’m drawing in my stomach and letting my shoulders push longer
for the straddle handstand.
Draw in, push.
And then I pull to box split.
And I’m pulling into my stomach and letting my shoulders pick me up
ever higher, higher,
higher through the position.
And then even to come to straight position,
draw in, lengthen,
and I open up that pipe position.
And here again,
I’m drawing in my abdomen and pushing up through my shoulders.
It’s that drawing in through the stomach,
if you look here, a little change,
that lets anything happen.