Theory Unleashed: The Evolution of Hulk and Bruce Banner in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Have you heard this theory about the Hulk?
In Endgame, Bruce told us that he found the best of both worlds,
combining the Hulk and Bruce Banner.
He actually found the technology to bring out the Bruce Banner mind
and all the things that make Bruce Banner great,
but just getting some of the Hulk strength,
some of the Hulk muscle. But the truth is,
this isn’t really a clear fifty fifty combination of Hulk and Bruce.
It’s fully Bruce. This is Bruce’s personality,
Bruce’s way, Bruce’s mind,
Bruce’s emotions. And he’s just kind of stealing the muscle of the Hulk.
So Hulk is gonna be upset.
Right now, the true Hulk is trapped.
And this is kind of like how Bruce Banner was trapped
during those years on Sakar and the Gladiator.
Hulk took over. He started living his life,
learning and growing fully the Hulk.
And what this is gonna lead to
is a separation of Bruce Banner and the Hulk.
Separation of the Ruffalo banner.
We already know that there’s technology in place,
and Bruce Banner is just that close
to removing himself from the rage monster.
And the monster is more upset than ever.
The theory is that this is not a fifty fifty split combination.
Smart Hulk is just Bruce Banner.
And when the rage monster gets his freedom,
he’s gonna make up for lost time.
And then we’re finally gonna get,
like that World War Hulk. Marvel’s finally gonna give us the biggest,
baddest Hulk. Wrecking the earth.
And we might even get a trilogy about this.