Kamala Harris Takes a Stand Against Price Gouging in the 2020 Election

Kamala Harris just says something
that will absolutely be the difference in this election.
I will work to pass the first ever
federal ban on price gauging on food.
My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies
that exploit crises and break the rules.
Now, here’s why this is so important.
Just a day before Kamala Harris came out
that she was going to focus on taking the price gougers to task,
Donald Trump had come out
and said that he was also worried about high prices,
but that the reason that there were high prices
wasn’t because of these food retailers
who were making money hand over fist and raking in record profits,
but instead blamed it on Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.
So, in effect,
Donald Trump is giving a pass
to the people who are actually responsible for this
by casting the blame instead on his political opponents.
Meaning if he becomes president,
we won’t see lower prices
because he is not holding the people
who are responsible for the high prices
to account in the first place.
So that is the difference on full display.
You’ve got Kamala Harris,
who’s actually holding the people responsible for record high prices
to account, or you’ve got Donald Trump,
who is allowing them cover
so that he can use the high prices to attack his political opponent
to help himself think about which one is better for you.