Wearable Tech Showdown: Smartwatches vs Smart Rings – Which is Right for You?

Smartwatches and smart rings
technically measure the same sleep and health data,
but are two vastly different devices.
So which should you buy? Okay,
first up is battery life.
Most smart rings tend to have four to five days of battery life
compared to a smartwatches,
like one to two days of battery life at most.
Because of this, smart rings tend to be better for sleep.
That also leads us to the second difference,
which is comfort. You probably don’t want to sleep with a bulky
glowing screen on your wrist every night,
but you could sleep with a smart ring and barely notice it.
And as far as activity tracking goes,
smart watches tend to have the upper hand.
Pun intended. They’re great pedometers,
and they’re also more comfortable to wear if you’re lifting weights
or doing stuff with your hand.
The last question you want to ask yourself is this
do you want a device that only measures your health data,
or does a lot of things like answering calls,
responding to messages, and measuring your health data?