Unveiling a Musical Journey: The Art of Crafting the Perfect Sound

I I have to be able to relate it to something
yeah to feel right yeah
so we’ll do that or I’ll come up with the idea and be like
here you go go
um that one
really confusing one that I had to explain
I’ve had that title in my head since I was 14
and I’ve waited and waited and waited to give it to just the right person
and I have this girl who’s incredible who
I just give her a title and she runs yeah
and I gave it to her and I was like
holy shit girl
like you did this
and you had to explain to her what that title was very confusing
but she’s the only person
that’s quirky enough like me to like understand like
oh I get that
this is the vision behind it
like I didn’t really have to deep dive into it
so when you you don’t
you don’t record the that song just like
once you like
go back and like
redo stuff yeah
so it depends on the song
sometimes I do one day on a song and it’s done okay
other times I’ll do a day and then we’ll listen back and be like mmm
we can make this better or we need to add this to it
or let’s double this or let’s change this
sometimes I record it and it’s like
that was a shit day we need to go back okay
um some of them
one song I recorded six different versions of
huh and it’s not even one of my favorite songs
and we just kept re recording
oh cause it’s not your favorite cause you don’t like it
well it’s just like
you don’t like the recording
so you had to keep redoing it
no at a time it was my favorite
it has just been like better since then I think