Unexpected Reactions: A Teacher’s Journey of Sharing Authorship with New Students

alright we survived the first day of school
and today is the first time that I got to share
with a brand new group of students
that I am an author so we played two truths
one lie and I am a mandarin dual language immersion teacher
so I have two classes and one class reaction
um to me telling them that I was an author was hilarious
both classes guess that the author statement was a lie
and so when I reveal to them that I am author is indeed a truth and not a lie
one class had a really big reaction
and they were saying oh
my god gosh
oh my
I wish I recorded it it was so funny
and one kid even said I’m gonna cry like it was so funny
I showed them my newest book
actually this is my first book
and uh
they were just all giggling and laughing that it has my name on it
so it’s very very special moment
um very fun first day of school um
memory for them I hope
and I hope that this school year
I can inspire them to be writers and authors themselves