From Seed to Sprout: Growing Grass Under the Shade Tree with Lowe’s Shade Blend

All right,
this is what it looks like after we’ve got it all loosened up.
Papa still supervising, and I got my little helper right there.
All right, we’ve got it all chilled up and the seed is out.
I got the shade blend from Lowe’s
cause some people suggested that,
and we’ll see what it does.
Today is July 27th,
y’all. Let’s check on my grass growing,
see how big that tree is. That’s why it doesn’t get much sun under it.
But let’s. Let’s run check.
I have grass now, y’all.
Thank you for whoever suggested.
I’ll have to go back and look.
But look. Look at all that grass.
But it looks so much better.
Thank you, whoever suggested that, um,
shade tree mix at Lowe’s, because that’s exactly what I use.
And we have grass out there now.