Breaking Records: Negotiating 60 Car Deals in One Week

Have you ever wondered how long it would take
to negotiate 60 car deals?
Not 60 car deals in one dealership,
but 60 individual car deals.
Most people hate buying cars,
but for me, I love it.
It’s what I do for a living.
I negotiate car deals for a living.
So I decided I wanted to see how long it would take
to get 60 great car deals for my clients in one week time.
And my only rule is I had to do the entire thing live.
Might say, Tommy,
why in the world did you decide to negotiate 60 car deals?
And why in the world did you wear a hundred plus hours in one week?
It’s because I wanted to show people
that anybody can get a good car deal.
And you can do it at the comfort of your own home.
You can negotiate a car deal.
And we did this basically in every state.
We did it in the northeast,
we did it in the Pacific Northwest,
we did it in Texas, we did it in Florida,
and we did it almost on every single brand.
Over this entire week. We saved our clients over 200 thousand dollars,
which is beyond exciting. But for me,
the more exciting part is I saved time,
energy and anxiety. Put a lot of hours in.
I did the entire thing live streaming.
And there’s gonna be some awesome content to come from that.
But more importantly,
all Of that I made this an enjoyable process for people,
where they got to actually enjoy buying a car for the first time,
maybe ever. We broke the world record
for the most amount of car deals ever done in one week
by one person. You have to wonder what’s next?