Unexpected Concert Cancellation Drama: Missy Elliott, Sierra Buster Rhymes, and Timberland Show Must Go On!

Y’all, this was a show I have been waiting for,
Missy Elliott, Sierra Buster Rhymes and Timberland.
But I go and take a master and my date was canceled.
There was like no notification,
no, like Scotia Bank didn’t post anything.
My best friend was just like,
is the concert not happening anymore?
I was like,
what? Like,
what was the reason? So thankfully,
there is a day tomorrow
and you best believe I bought last minute tickets for that
because I’m not missing this concert.
I just don’t understand why this one got canceled
and there wasn’t really anything said about it.
So if you are going to the Tuesday show,
girl, you’re probably gonna get a refund.
But I would buy tickets to this show instead
cause it’s definitely one you wouldn’t wanna miss.
Also, just to add,
the tickets are $70. And I feel like
for a lineup of four great artists that are throwback
R&B to our childhood, I feel like this,
this is one you can’t miss.