Leveraging Discounts and Cash Back with Cooper: A Shopping Success Story

I got a discount. I got a discount.
You have no discount. Never mind.
I got this app called Cooper.
They give you a discount and you get cash back on any order.
You see all that cash back?
I don’t know what you using,
but I’m using Cooper. Follow me as I show you how to use Cooper.
Link in my bio. You could do codes and codes,
codes and more motherfucking codes until you find the one that work
and they offer cash back. 20 3 1050.
How much did you get? None.
You wanna know why? You wanna know why?
Use Cooper. Use Cooper,
mama. Use Cooper.
I’mma tell you why you ain’t hit the link in my bio.
That’s what Cooper did. Or you go use some
say some say nothing. I got it.
It’s my show. Or you go to your app store and download it yourself.
I was getting my shirts today off Jcpenny
and I had so many different options.
Discount 25% off, 15% off for your order.
Bling 24, buy home 6.
It’s so many discounts on Cooper
it don’t even make sense.
I’m trying to get y’all away so you don’t spend so much money
and y’all ain’t listening.
I got a discount. I got a discount.
You have no discount. Never mind.