VIP Night Out: Four Seasons Suite, Taylor’s Version Concert, and Rep-Themed Glam

Amelia got us a suite at the Four Seasons for the error store tonight
that is literally bigger than my apartment in New York City.
Not tell you how freaking excited I am.
And I am manifesting that we get reputation Taylor’s version tonight.
You have no idea. Because I feel like the one of you is gonna get it.
Wearing a very rep coated,
black sparkly outfit tonight.
We’re leaving in 30 minutes for the concert,
so we just ordered some room service,
and I think it just got here.
I got a Caesar salad and fries
because life is about balance.
Four seasons was so sweet.
They gave us a cake that says Love Story.
Also, look at these robes that say love stories.
We’re gonna eat the cake, too.
Amelia is ready before me.
And look at what she’s wearing.
And look at what she’s eating.
You look so good. I have my friends.
Rep TV. Rep TV.
Be properly fueled and energized to last the entire concert,
okay? And that is the glam.
Wait till you see the outfit.